Twin Wire Feed Laser Welding Machine Means Twin Wire Filling,then You Can Weld Wider Seams and Thicker Materials by This Machine.
What Was the Purpose of the MOZLASER Team to Develop the Double Wire Feed Laser Welding Machine?
As We All Know, Laser Welding Machine is Very Advantageous when Welding Thin Materials, Welding Speed is Fast. But Welding Thick Materials and Wider Welding Seams Are Its Disadvantages. And Many of Our Customers Feedback That They Need to Weld Thicker Materials when Using the Laser Welding Machine, the Welding Results Are Not Good.
So the MOZLASER Team Has Developed a Laser Welding Machine with Twin Wire Feed Structure for Thick Material Welding. It is Our Latest Product This Year.
There is No Big Difference Between a Twin Wire Feed Laser Welding Machine and a Normal Welding Machine. The Main Two Points Are,
1. Higher Laser Power Requirements
2. Wire Feeder With Dual Feeding Function is Required
Higher Laser Power
Generally speaking, if You Want to Choose a Laser Welding Machine with Dual Wire Feed. We Only Recommend the 2000w Laser Welding Machine or Our 3000w Laser Welding Machine. Then with Our Double Wire Feed Function Wire Feeder, You Can Achieve Thicker Material and Wider Weld Seam Welding. To Guarantee the Stability of the Machine, We Only Use Top Brands of Laser Sources, IPG Laser or Raycus Laser.
Double Wire Feeder
Replace the Wire Feeder with Our MZ-F4 Model Double Wire Feeder and then Your Laser Welder Switches to a Double Wire Feed Laser Welder. In Addition, Your Wire Feed Tube and Hardware Will Be Upgraded to Match the New Wire Feed Pattern. In the near future,double wire feeder will be developed to four wires feeding system.
So the Two Biggest Differences Between a Twin Wire Feed Laser Welding Machine and a Regular Laser Welding Machine Are the Higher Laser Power and the Upgraded Wire Feeder.
Please Watch the Two Videos Below, One is a Demo Test and the Other is a Customer Live Use.
Twin Wire Feed Means a Greater Ability to Fill the Wire and to Weld Wider Seams. According to Our Test Data, if You Use a Single-feed Laser Welding Machine Can Only Weld a Maximum of 1.5-1.8mm Seams. However, with a Double-feed Laser Welding Machine, a 3-4mm Wide Seam Can Be Welded.
Twin Wire Feed Also Means That Thicker Materials Can Be Welded. This is Because More Wire Filling in the Welding Process Makes the Welding Joint More Stronger,Stable, and Reliable.